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Club Championship Series
The Paddle Up Club season runs from July to July. Each year, the club hosts 10-12 tournaments and 4 are club *Major* tournaments. Participating players can be both members and non-members of the club. The tournaments are fun for all ages and skill levels. Recreational and Intermediate skill level divisions allow newer players to compete with one another each tournament. Advanced players compete as we progress through the club's season, with club points are awarded based on their participation and rank in all club tournaments. The season culminates with a members-only Club Championship event, in which we crown our club champions for the season. You can view this season's standings here. You can register below for any of the upcoming tournaments, and the tournament lineup for the 2024-25 season will be announced soon! If your organization would like to become the title sponsor of one of the club's events, reach out to Jon at: Jon@paddleuppickleballclub.com
- Fri, Mar 28Paddle Up Pickleball Club
- Fri, Apr 25Paddle Up Pickleball Club
- Fri, May 30Paddle Up Pickleball Club
- Fri, Jun 27Paddle Up Pickleball Club
- Fri, Jul 25Paddle Up Pickleball Club
- Date and time is FLEXIBLEPaddle Up Pickleball Club