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Forest Park Monday Night Spring Doubles Leagues - 4/7 Start

Mon, Apr 07


Dwight Davis TC

Competitive, High Intermediate, Low Intermediate, and Rec league at Dwight Davis Tennis Center in STL!

Forest Park Monday Night Spring Doubles Leagues - 4/7 Start
Forest Park Monday Night Spring Doubles Leagues - 4/7 Start

Time & Location

Apr 07, 2025, 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Dwight Davis TC, 5620 Grand Dr, St. Louis, MO 63112, USA


Competitive League (3.6+ level players)

High Intermediate League (3.25-3.5 level players)

Low Intermediate (3.0-3.25 level players)

Recreational (3.0 and below level players)

Two skill level leagues near each other may be merged together if registration for a particular level is low.

Leagues are broken up by skill level, not gender. Leagues are 5-6 weeks of play, and are doubleheader leagues. Teams play at a minimum 5 weeks (if one week gets rained out, it's possible a makeup isn't scheduled), but the schedule is designed for 5 regular season weeks and a sixth week playoff tournament for all teams


  • Doubles Team

    Doubles Team Registration. Your partner does NOT need to register separately.

    Tax: +$17.10 Sales Tax+$5.18 ticket service fee
    Sold Out
  • Waitlist Team

    This registration is for adding a team to the waitlist once registration is full.




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